Showing posts with label computer basic notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer basic notes. Show all posts

Computer Fundamentals

What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic device, which accepts data and instructions, processes the data according to the instructions, and gives the result on the prescribed output device.

What is Computer?

The word “Computer” comes from the word “Compute”, which means a calculator. So a computer is normally considered to be a calculating device that can perform the arithmetic operation at enormous speed.

Computer Limitation:-

Computer Cannot Think on its own or corrects logical errors. It cannot learn the task by experience.

Advantages of Computer :

Speed:- The computer has tremendously high speed and can perform millions of calculations per second.

Storage:- A computer can store a large volume of data and instructions that can be made available instantaneously.

Accuracy:- Computer 100% accurate and doesn't make mistakes on its own. Errors in the desired output are because of the wrong feeding of data or instructions from the user's side and hence one can completely rely on it.

What is Information System:

Hardware:- These are the physical parts of a computer, such as Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, System Unit & other Devices the Hardware is controlled by the Software.

Data:- It consists of the RAW, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, Images & Sounds. Examples of raw Facts are the hours you worked and your pay rate. After data is processed through the computer. It is usually called INFORMATION. An example of such information is the total wages earned by you in a month.

History of Computer:

The first major development comes in 1835 when CHARLES BABBAGE Is the Father of the Computer, devised a Machine.

Charles Babbage father of computer

Invented a mechanical device called a “Difference Engine” which could carry out a sequence of mathematical operations, one at a time.

Click here →Generation of Computer:

Click here →Types of Computers:
Working of Computer:

1.Hardware:- It is a set of physical parts of a Computer i.e. Mechanical Electrical and Electronic parts of the Computer.

2.Software:- It Contains Programs that instruct a computer how to process data and generate the required information.

3.Human ware:- Person who operate the computer and also those who write the program i.e. Operator, Programmers Etc.

Computer Follows I-P-O cycle, Firstly the required instructions and data are accepted from the user with the help of the input device, it is sent to the central processing unit for the processing and the result of processing is taken onto the output device. E.g. to produce finished cloth raw material like cotton is taken into the factory (input). This cotton is then introduced to machinery to produce cloth (process). Finally, a cloth comes output from the machinery as a finished final product (output).

Click here →Computer System

Click here →Peripherals Devices

Click here →Storage Technology

What is Software?

Software is a set of the program where the program is a set of instructions. Software is a middleman between user and machine. Software is differentiated into two as System Software & Application Software.

1. System Software:- System software uses a computer, which controls the operations of other application software. A major part of System Software is Operating System.

Operating System (OS):- Operating system acts as an interface between user and machine also called a middleman or interpreter. The user can establish a link or communicate with the hardware using Operating System OS is responsible for –

Booting- while starting the computer, the operating system has to be loaded on memory without which application software cannot work. Booting is the process of transferring an operating system from secondary storage to memory. Examples of the operating system are DOS, UNIX, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Etc.

2. Application Software:- Application Software is basically for the use of the user. There are different types of application software available for different types of jobs. To run any application software, the system software is a must but on the other hand system software can be run without application software. Examples of Application Software are WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, etc.