Computer System

A Computer System can be Viewed as a System of three Major Components-


Hardware is a set of all physical parts. E.g. Monitor, Floppy, Keyboard, Mouse, Pen Drive, Printer wires Etc. Hardware can not work at its own but requires software, which gives it an intelligence. Hardware of Computer can be broadly classified as Central Processing Unit (C.P.U.) and Peripherals.

Central Processing Unit:-

The Heart of the Computer is CPU. The parts of the C.P.U. and their functions are listed below.

Control Unit (CU):- As the name Suggests, it control all the activities of the Computer System.

Memory Unit (MU):- It Perform Three Functions.
1. It Stores data of the current instruction being processed in input storage area.
2. It Stores the Program containing set of instructions in program storage area.
3. t Stores intermediate results and data being processed in the output storage area.

Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU):- 
ALU unit performs all arithmetic and logical functions including comparisons and decisions. The logical unit checks and compares condition like “>” (Greater Than). “<“(Smaller Than), Compound conditions like “and”, “or” etc.

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